Lord Berners laying the foundation-stone of the Agricultural Hall, Islington, [London], 1861. The building would ...take the place of the Baker-street Bazaar for the Christmas exhibition of the Smithfield Cattle Club, and for meetings and other purposes connected with the promotion of agricultural improvement... The building will occupy an extensive area in Liverpool-road, but a few hundred yards from the Angel at Islington. Its capacity will be very much greater than that of the Baker-street Bazaar, and it will contain the most ample accommodation for the exhibition of cattle, sheep, hogs, agricultural implements, and roots. The building will be composed chiefly of brick, iron, and glass...On one side of the main entrance there will be a police-office, and a parcel and cloak room; on the other side there will be an inquiry-office, a post-office, and a telegraph-office. The body of the building will be fitted up for the exhibition of cattle...The plans also include first and second class refreshment-rooms. The entire length of the building will be 500ft. ; the breadth, 220ft.; and the superficial area, 110,000ft.. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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