Matthew Montgomery and Louis Shelvin, the steward and cook of the Emily St. Pierre, 1862. ...Portraits of the two brave men...who so promptly seconded the exertions of Captain Wilson in regaining possession of the Emily St. Pierre - recapturing her from a prize crew consisting of two officers and thirteen men of the United States Navy. The circumstances of this daring act, happily crowned with success, and showing in a most remarkable manner how "fortune favours the brave," are too fresh in our readers memory to need recapitulation. Matthew Montgomery, the steward, is a native of Dublin: he is of small stature, and about twenty-eight years old. The cook, named Louis Schelvin, who is in his twenty-seventh year, is a German, belonging to Frankfort-on-Maine. Purses of gold and silver medals, with suitable inscriptions, have recently been presented to the steward and cook. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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