His Highness Said Pacha, the Viceroy of Egypt, [and] Koenig Bey, Private Secretary to Said Pacha, 1862. ...his nephew, Abbas Pacha, died (1854). By this event Said was called to the throne by virtue of the firman of 1841 which confers the government of Egypt on the members of Mehemet Alis family. Said assumed the reins of the Government on the 17th of July, 1854. A short time afterwards Said went to Constantinople to receive at the hands of the Sultan his investiture as Viceroy...One of his first acts was the abolition of slavery; then he suppressed trade monopoly; the capitation taxes; reorganised the army, which he reduced to about 20,000 men; regulated the taxes, commenced and achieved various works of public utility, and warmly supported the Isthmus of Suez project...His energy and activity during his short reign of eight years have enabled him to accomplish colossal reforms, reforms inspired by his intelligent appreciation of European ideas...Said Pacha has but recently created an Egyptian museum at Cairo.... From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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