Tired Sheep - Glen Spean, Scotland, by R. Ansdell, from the exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1862. Engraving of a painting. The sky has the stillness and calmness of eventide, the sun has just sunk below the horizon, the moor and Spean "water", or river, are in quiet shadow, but his rays still linger on the scarped slopes of the distant hills, the flock of birds - packs of ptarmigan maybe - is circling its way to the roost up among the snowy granite ledges, the shepherd consoles himself with his evening pipe and the near prospect of home - for such we presume to be the cabin just seen on the right..., and where, a little to the left, a part of the flock is already collected; the sagacious dogs, too, seem to be aware of the fact, for they appear to be pricking their ears and drawing up for a moment to listen for a familiar sound. Man, pony, dogs, sheep, all seem weary. The hardy Galloway looks back a little resentfully at the additional burden. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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