The International Exhibition: "The Auction - Last Day of the Sale", by G.B. ONeil, 1862. Auction after a clergymans death. ...the aged partner and his comely daughter, in the first bloom of womanhood, are left without the means of preserving the family treasures endeared by so many associations of affection...Already-although both are still in the deepest mourning - everything must be sold...Not one person in the room has a look or a care for the widow and the fatherless...Our auctioneer is the very type of his class - an arch-hypocrite, hard-featured, impassible, yet perfectly aware of everything going forward; extremely plausible, though a somewhat injured, ill-used, and unappreciated Individual - a fact which he condescends to forget in the intense preoccupation of his melancholy duty. We can almost hear him exclaiming, "Going! going! for the small sum of - ; going!-positively for the last time - going - going! gone!". From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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