The Flyfisher, by W. Hunt, in the winter exhibition of the Water-colour Society, 1862. Engraving of a painting. A ...young hero of rustic life...catching a fly for piscatorial purposes...This "Fly-fisher is one of Mr. Hunts happiest efforts. How characteristic is the boys figure from head to foot, with his stiff holland smockfrock, out-grown corduroys, Scotch cap, and hobnailed shoes! What visions of glorious sport with minnow and stickleback have haunted his mind since he possessed himself of that rod! How natural the attitude, as he stealthily pauses before the grand swoop on the pretty little fly which will float so temptingly on the water! How the concentration of the young anglers - we beg pardon, we should say "scientific flyfishers" - whole soul is depicted in his gleaming, eager eyes, his breathlessly-dilated nostrils!. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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