Meeting of the Gloucestershire Agricultural Society, on the banks of the Severn, at Tewkesbury, 1865. The meeting..., continuing for several days last week, attracted many visitors to that pleasant little town, which is situated at the junction of the Avon and Severn, about ten miles from Gloucester. There was not only a cattle show on this occasion, but a flower show also, under the auspices of the local Horticultural Society; and the amusements of the week were further increased by the annual regatta, and by a series of public competitions in various athletic sports. The band of the Royal Marines, from Woolwich, was in attendance on the Wednesday and Thursday, besides the artillery and engineer bands from Gloucester, and some of the volunteer corps. Our Illustration gives a view of the Regatta Field, as it is called, a meadow between the two rivers, where the booths or marquees occupied by some departments of the exhibition were pitched. The town of Tewkesbury, with the fine tower of its ancient abbey, is seen behind. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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