The late Sir W. J. Hooker, Director of the Royal Gardens at Kew, 1865. Engraving from a photograph by Ernest Edwards, of the ...eminent botanist...[who] was offered the Regius Professorship of his favourite science in the University of Glasgow...[He was later] intrusted with the management of the Kew Gardens, for which he had shown great practical qualifications, having previously managed the Botanic Gardens at Glasgow. He has, with the assistance latterly of his son, Dr. Joseph Hooker, a botanist of no less reputation, made the collection of living plants, and the museum of botanical specimens at Kew, the most extensive, and in every way the most perfect, in the world. As editor of the Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, Sir William Hooker has described and classified a great number of new plants, and placed the results of his more recent experience on a level with his former contributions to scientific literature; while his little manual, the "Guide to Kew Gardens," has been of equal popular usefulness to the multitude of inquiring visitors. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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