Broadlands, near Romsey, Hants, the country seat and birthplace of Lord Palmerston, 1865. Here, at Broadlands, Oct. 20,1784, the late Prime Minister, Henry John Temple, was born...The estate of Broadlands...came into the possession of Lord Palmerstons grandfather about the middle of the last century. Its boundary approaches close to the town of Romsey, on the Southampton road, the park, which is pretty large, extending about a mile and a quarter, and occupying both banks of the River Test...The park is well ornamented with wood and water, having many stately trees grouped with much taste and judgment over its surface; while the river, which is here beautifully limpid and clear, abounding with trout, forms a most agreeable object. The house itself is of simple but elegant architecture, with an Ionic portico fronting the west. It is built of fine white bricks from a design by "Capability Brown," who also laid out the park and pleasure grounds. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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