The Funeral of Lord Palmerston: the new cemetery at Romsey, with the vault opened for the interment of Lord Palmerston, 1865. Mr. Cowper, [Lord Palmerstons] stepson and the executor of his will, had directed the interment to take place at Romsey [in Hampshire], on the Tuesday or Wednesday; the clergyman, the Rev. E. Berthon, had made his arrangements; and the grave was actually dug, or the vault opened, in the Romsey Cemetery. This vault was provided for Lord Palmerston, by his own orders, some time ago. The tomb of his father and mother is in the old abbey church of Romsey; and there also is that of his only brother, Sir William Temple, formerly the British Envoy at Naples...It is known, however, that the change of his burial- place from Romsey to Westminster Abbey was adopted at the express desire of the Queen. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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