Jupiter and Saturn, on the eve of their rare "Great Conjunction," shot here on December 20, 2020 from Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta. The two planets are very close here, only 8 arc minutes apart, just 2 arc minutes more than at closest approach the next night (which was cloudy!). They are barely resolved in this image with a 35mm lens. This was a superb night at the Park, with perfect skies and a mild temperature of only 0掳 C and no wind or frost. Illumination is from moonlight from the waxing quarter Moon off frame to the upper left. This is a blend of a single 15-second untracked exposure for the sky and a stack of 4 x 30-second exposures for the ground to bring out the foreground details. All at f/2.5 and ISO 800 and with the Canon 35mm lens and Canon 6D MkII camera. I shot this well past twilight when the sky was now bright with moonlight. The planets were very low but I shot this set at the end of the evening as the lighting on the foreground looked good.

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