Bas-relief with a view of the Portus Augusti (large artificial harbour of Ancient Rome; on the north bank of the north mouth of the Tiber; on the Tyrrhenian coast;near the modern-day Italian village of Porto.)Around 200 AD.Pentelic marble with traces of polychromy.Found at Porto; the work depicts a detailed and fascinating view of Portus Augusti; the construction of which was undertaken in 42 AD by Emperor Claudius in an attempt to address the serious supply problems that afflicted the Urbe.A large ship with decorated sails; on which the mythical symbol of the she-wolf suckling her twins stands out; the scene of a sacrifice calling for the successful outcome of a voyage; the towering lighthouse that welcomes sailors inside the port; the divine figures of Neptune and Bacchus: these are just some of the elements that the bas-relief depicts with an extraordinary wealth of details; making it one of the most famous works of the Torlonia Museum. MT 430.- Torlonia Collection of ancient sculptures.From the Museo Torlonia (Torlonia Museum) founded in Rome by Prince Alessandro Torlonia in 1875 and dissolved in 1976.The collection of marble and alabaster sculptures dating to the Roman Empire period has been described as the 'most important private museum of sculpture in the world'.Rome; Italy. 2021.

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