Allegory with History writing history, Title page for: A.G. Luiscius, The general historical, geographic and genealogical dictionary, 1724-1737, Allegorical representation, revealed by Father Time, with History surrounded by a crowd of characters symbolizing the different continents. She is accompanied by Genealogy, showing her a family tree, Chronology, with tablet in hand, Geography, drawing the world map with her compass, and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory, pointing to Diogenes. In the foreground the personifications of the arts with their attributes. On the left in the background Adam and Eve, Mohammed, Moses and Aaron. Right in the background monuments including the Colossus of Rhodes, the Tower of Babel, Golgotha, pyramids and the Temple of Solomon. In the clouds an assembly of the Olympic gods. In the margin a seven-line caption in Dutch. print maker: Bernard Picart, (mentioned on object), after own design by: Bernard Picart, (mentioned on object), 1726 and/or 1724 - 1737, paper, etching, engraving, height 370 mm x width 222 mm.

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