Comparison of lunar eclipses in 2022. There were four lunar eclipses observable: two partial solar eclipses (left) and two total eclipses (right). Eclipses come in pairs, or rarely in triplets, in one lunar period. The partial solar eclipse on 30th April (top left) was visible widely across Chile and Argentina before sunset. About two weeks later, on 16th May (top right), a long total lunar eclipse occurred primarily over the Americas. A partial solar eclipse on 25th October (bottom left) was visible from Europe and Asia, followed by the second total lunar eclipse on 8th November (bottom right), which was visible from the Americas and the whole Pacific region. The images were taken close to the maximum of each eclipse with the same equipment, to show the correct angular sizes of the Sun and Moon, as they appear to be different sizes in the sky owing to the elliptic orbit of the Moon and Earth.

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